Biography: Jaya Maheshwari
Pilonidal sinus is a chronic inflammatory condition which is caused due to involution of hair fragment into the gluteal or natal region. It is also called as inflammatory disease of gluteal region. It is twice as common in males between 15-25 years of age. Occasionally it occurs in different region like umbilicus, nose, groin, axilla, clitoris, interdigital tract, suprapubic area, penis or occiput. The present report highlights the condition in a 24-year old male with discharging sinus in the gluteal cleft and itching from the past one-month. Diagnosis of the diseases is straightforward clinically with discharging sinus and multiple pits in the natal cleft, and choice of particular surgical approach was laser pilonidoplasty. The procedure was performed under local anaesthesia with 1470 nm diode laser as beam source, with radial fibre, which would destroy the deep fistula system of the sinus. A 600 micron fibre with a special glass top (CORONA) fistula probe fibre with power settings at 10 watt and energy dosage at 100 joules per cm was used. The patient recovered completely and returned to work within 2 months. The procedure does not involve any painful dressings post operatively. In our experience, laser pilonidoplasty is the choice of procedure for the disease as there are less chances of morbidity and recurrence and better chances of early healing and cure of the disease. Hair removal is maintained until wounds are healed, after which laser hair removal is recommended of the local area. The lasers thus, prove to be an attractive treatment alternate for pilonidal sinus.