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Ziad Aljarad

Ziad Aljarad

Aleppo University Hospital, Syria


Ziad Aljarad has a master degree in gastroenterology and Hepatology from Aleppo University. He is interested in clinical research. He has four published research papers and a published book. He is also interested in teaching principles of clinical research to medical students. He has participated in many research activities and conferences, and he is a member of Continuous Medical Learning and Research Center (CMERC) in Aleppo University. He is also interested in Humanitarian work. He was the coordinator of health care in the Syrian Arab Red Crescent- Aleppo Branch, and now he is the National Professional Officer for TB, HIV and Hepatitis in the World Health Organization (WHO)


Abstract : The relationship between Rh and ABO Blood Groups distribution and the incidence of gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease: Case-control study